
Showing posts from August, 2023

he broke into a sex store just to steal a sex doll I know he either using it for himself or he sold it to make money to get something else

when getting no sex theres multiple things you can do but i never seen someone break into a adult store and steal themselves a expensive full size sex doll until now whoever he is it must be hard to find someone so he decided to roll up on local adult store after hoursand break out entire window junps in and grabs a sex doll Worth big money is he going to use it himself or sell it to someone else that wants it i know the store gotta come out the pocket for getting the window fixed unless they got insurance thats going cover it he really needed that doll bad

He broke in the house tried to kill himself drinking gasoline but police stopped him and arrested him

did mental health Play apart in the suspect breaking in the house and drinking gasoline when the police arrested him 40 year old Christopher Michael Abbott decided to try and break down the door with a stick in his hand but he found a window that was opened went to the kitchen ate pizza and chips that was there the 17 teen year old home owners daughter was home called her dad and dad called the police they rushed to the house they had to break down the front door the man was in the garage sitting in the home owners mini van police telling him to get out as soon as they broke the window he started drinking gasoline they pulled him out to the ground putting handcuffs on him police had to call ambulance to check him out taken him to the hospital hes facing multiple charges

Tyrese new joint love transaction talking about everything his ex wife did to him especially taking him to court over child support

is chid support really made for the child or for the parent to buy what they want to live the rich lifestyle because $20 thousand dollars a month seems to high going to school doesn't cost that much, grocery shopping doesn't cost that much, clothes shopping doesn't cost that much,i bet if Tyrese had full custody of his child and was trying to get child support it would end differently definitely wouldn't be $20 thousand it probably be few hundred dollars a month even lower amount of money or might not even get anything at all but expensive lawyer fees

Alisha Watts body has been found boyfriend charged with murder I think her family knew he did something to her

Police department have finally located Alisha Watts in a wooded area in Moore county she has been missing since the middle of July The boyfriend was found in the car passed out but went missing when The police wanted to get information from him they looked into his past record it showed that he beat women back than now he's got new home prison But I think he's not The only one involved I think he had help hiding her in the woods on that property where was he hiding all this time was it'at another woman house or his family members house 

Oklahoma teacher busted on the Job drinking was arrested now probably have to be forced to be in alcohol program to quit

schools reopening teachers are getting ready to return from the summer vacation on August 17 Kimberly cotes first day of school as third grade teacher with a class full of learning students but what happened next Definitely going to shock you what she did principal notice she eas her normal self so he called her into his office he had a officer sitting in to he started asking her questions she told them she took some medication but was changing her story The principal than went to the classroom grabbed The cup she was drinking out of and gave it to the officer he smelled it and knew it was wine she finally broke down and told that she was drinking coming to school principal told her either retire or she will be terminated it's going to be harder for her to find work because it's going to be on her job history being drunk and arrested

she got skills man should've not messed with her got knocked out someone taught her how to fight to protect herself in situations

straight knocked out you know when you got a lot of mouth telling people what they need to do but once he told her to shut up it was on she jumped upand Got into fighting position so i know she got skills and fought in The ring or at someone boxing gym she definitely can handle herself good the other woman tried to tell him to just back off and Walk away but he didn't what to he got caught with one punch and got laid out i know the store had to help him Up and walkhim to his car I bet he won't try messing with anybody else again he'll think about it first especially getting knocked out

Rhianna & ASAP gave birth to their second baby boy I know they don't have to buy anything just reuse what they bought for first baby

Rihanna & ASAP has been power couple making powermoves together with Rihanna building plus size clothing line , make-up,and perfume making millions all that and giving birth to their first baby boy a few days later right back to hustling now giving birth to their second baby boy i know They got everything for both kids especially clothes and pampers they probably buy them by The bulk because babies use them up fast as soon as you change them seconds later right back changing

she tried to kill husband by putting raid in his drink's tried to kill him but it didn't work she was arrested

raid suppose to be bug killernot human killer but this woman named Veronica Cline decided to spike his drink's after they both came home he told police he started feeling bad once he down The drinks started throwing up so he dialed 911 to get help they rushed him to the hospital Veronica tried to get away by running through the woods police used k9 to get her now shes facing serious charges using deadly posiong she admitted to the police she wanted to do it to with her child lucky The police got their in time to stop her plans to do more damage 

Man with a warrant for his arrest tried out for police department at least they didn't have to look for him he walked in himself

24 year old Justin Carter decided he wanted to be a police officer so he went down and filled out paperwork at Monticello police department in Arkansas he had to verify certain things and do a physical test while he was doing that The officer ran a background check on Justin Carter they found that head nation wide warrant out of Georgia for parole violation so they let him finish The physical test than they put him in handcuffs now he sits waiting to be transported back to Georgia to see a judge he could get serious time he should've never walked in that police department it'wasn't worth it 

Greedy school principal got busted stealing $40 thousand dollars over the past 13 years

Sixty years old naia Wilson was principal of new mission high school in Boston for 13 years she decided to get greedy and start spending The schools money living a luxury life style by going on expensive trips to Barbados with several friends the checks supposed to be for the school to handle things but she was putting them in her own Bank account and spending it fast now she could be getting Life in prison because us Treasury they the one's who find public schools that's why The FBI is involved in the Case dealing with checks leaves a paper trail that can get you busted especially if you are stealing 

Hospital murdered their baby and tried to cover it up now their suing for millions I know people are going to be fired or jail time

Having a child is one of the best moments in the world raising the next generation the first walk going to school watching them graduate first job getting their first car seeing them have kid's but for Atlanta Georgia couple all that was taken away from them during delivery baby got stuck The doctor decided to pull instead of getting other doctors advice and baby lost it life by Head taking off it's body fully decapitated when they had to do a c section on her but The hospital tried to cover it all up even saying the doctor didn't work for their hospital now their suing 

warrants for people involved in the Montgomery brawl that took place on the boat dock they should've put hands on him

It all went down over the weekend when security told The boat owner he had to move his boat because he couldn't leave it there he started arguing with security the owner got really loud on him security toolk off his hat and boat owner jumped on him pulling at his shirt security was beating his ass up than The friends of the boat owner jumped in attacking him but strangers came to the rescue and helped the security guard They whopped on them white people ass all over the dock Up and down even their wives or girlfriends was getting whooped on 

He kidnapped sex worker hid her in cinder block room he made but she escaped police arrested him

This looks like a scene from Hollywood movie but it's not tts real and she was kidnapped from where she lived to another state and held in a homemade cinder block room by a man named negaski zubrri 29 years old he sexually assaulted her probably multiple times but  she decided she wanted to escape found a opening got Free ram out the house flagged down someone got help contacted The police They arrested him now The FBI believes he may have more women in different states because The Way he traveled several times he's been doing it for years they said he dressed as undercover cop and hadcuffed and tasered women he may have more especially in abandoned houses 

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