
Showing posts from September, 2023

The black phone 2 is coming October 5th 2025 to understand the movie gotta watch the first one that been out

the black phone one dropped on june 24 2022 it was about teenager's going missing and hirl having dreams about them until her brother was kidnapped but he was the only one who that survived and killed the kidnapper so they have to get somebody else to play that part unless they changed the entire movie

He called 911 to complain someone stole $10 dollars while he was selling marijuana he should be locked up for being stupid

When you cal 911 on yourself you shouldn't be selling drugs at all he picked the wrong hustle in Tampa Florida  33 Year old Eric Thomas was making marijuana sells when a customer stole $10 dollars from him he decided to call the police department they came out to check out the call he walked up to them they recognized him from previous arrest so they checked his pockets to find 11 marijuana baggies and cocaine in his wallet it's still illegal to sell marijuana in Florida so I know he facing serious time 

herd of sheep ate 100kg of medical marijuana I know they all was really hungry when they are all that

In Greece a farm owner named yannis bourounis farm was doing good growing all kinds of food until it got flooded because of the rain the only item he can generate money from was medical marijuana he grew entire green house of it but with now food to feed the sheep they went to find some they escaped because of The gate was damaged came up on The Green House and ate every plant in there The farmer realized what they did he said The sheep herd was jumping much higher stoned out their minds now he can't make money from them marijuana plants all gone he should sell the sheep 

Hollywood & writers sat down and agreed to a deal they are going to be making good money and more in their career

Both sides need each other Hollywood got the money and the studios and writers got the skills to make movies and TV shows come to life the writer's been on strike for 5 months straight fighting for bigger paychecks to pay their rent and home mortgages pay bills like lights gas food for their families be able to afford medical insurance for the families it looks like strike could  end soon they still out there while waiting on them to finally sign paperwork  I know writers be happy most been out there from the start with their signs  it was walking in almost 

Chris Brown being sued by Popeyes for $2 million dollar loan when borrowing that much money you definitely going to be paying it back

Popeyes hooked up Chris Brown with the money to buy two franchised Popeyes restaurants but the deal never happened and didn't give back the loan he made enough money through out the years to pay it' all back borrowing that much money is going to be harder to pay back especially when it statrs to grow interest on it  than comes the Court papers saying,you been sued so they can get their money j$2 millions dollars is not chump changrin moneyi like  borrowing $¡5.dcucks that's easy to pay back I wonder what he was thinking he could loose much of his cars,and other items he bought to  pay back that loan 

Alligator was chewing on human body was killed witness call the cops and they had to kill the alligator

In Florida a man was walking to a job interview when he saw a huge alligator saw what he thought was fake body turned out to be real it was inside the alligators big mouth so he ran to The firehouse to Get help they arrived on The scene couldn't believe what they were seeing it was 13 foot alligator I don't know if The police department or The fire fighters killed it but The medical examiner found out who The person was belonged to a woman named Sabrina peckman 41 years old they trying to find out if The alligator attack her or if The alligator found the body under water already deceased 

10 years of cover up parents is suing to get the truth of what really happened to their son at the school

Kendrick Johnson went to lowndes high School in Valdosta Georgia were he played basketball could have been the first draft in the NBA but somebody took his life away on January 11th 2013 he was found wrapped up in a wrestling mat stuffed away like clothing police department and state said it was an accident but the parents hired their own csi investigator and he had bruises on his body big head wound from being hit with a weapon if it was another student their parents must be cops covering it' up to keep their son out of prison cold cases people always get caught 

Fentanyl drug lab posing as daycare center cops went in and arrested multiple people and shut them down

Whe you put your kids in daycare you think it's supposed to be safe place for them to be until you pick them up at the end of the day but daycare places are not what they seem to be nowadays what happened at this daycare two suspects carlisto brito 41 years old and grei Mendez 36 years old should get death sentence one year old Nicholas Dominic died from the effects of creating fentanyl several other kid's we're taken to the hospital how long have they been doing this nowbody in the neighborhood noticed people getting sick or high from the fumes that entire apartment building might have to be evacuated to test for chemicals exposure both suspects are being changed with 11 charges especially murder 

Mike Tyson is training Francis Ngannou October 28 vs fury it could be a new heavy weight champion standing tall

Francis Ngannou fight going down October 28 2023 now this is a true boxing match two Giants But only one can walk out as champion the way Mike Tyson is training Francis i think hrs going to win knocking down furyto become new champion Mike Tyson told Francis to be a champion you have to train as a champion Mike Tyson himself became world champion knocking out oppenets in the first round breaking bones destroying life's ending boxing careers inside and outside of The boxing rings now he's training The next generation of true boxers starting with Francis Nganniu he's definitely training as champion 

Diarrhea explosion all over the plane the food must've been bad and made a big problem on their stomachs

this is not a joke at all or comedy bit a real group of people were traveling from Atlanta to Barcelona that is couple of hours trip see this is why you gotta be careful what you eat especially when you traveling out of the state to other places that food can have big effect on your stomach i don't know what they ate it definitely did damage to them and The plane interior The seats The floors i know the cleaning crew for the airport is going to be angry  they gotta deal with cleaning all that shit up on the plane 

when you on the run you shouldn't be shopping in Walmart that's where cops be posted looking around especially undercovers

when you on the run from the police you gotta try to avoid being in public and public places like bus stations, airports, restaurants,malls,and more telling people where you hiding at especially family members when reward is on you to be captured family members will turn you in but this is two people that went grocery shopping in Walmart shanaja Jones and Walter Clay was walking like they wasn't going to jail eventually the police caught up with them chased shanaja Jones down arrested her caught Walter Clay walking outside The Walmart  this happened on August 13 but video just was released today 

Eddie lrizarry was murdered by philly cop he was eventually fired from the police department but not arrested for murder

On august 14 eddie pulled over and was just sitting their he never expected to be gunned down in the car not just by somebody that he had beef with or somebody that tried to rob him it was to police officers that been following him the entire time watching him they pulled up on him fast with guns put started shooting multiple time's breaking the window of the car than they called it in they investigated him he was fired not arrested for murder former police officer gets to Walk around knowing he took Eddie Life away family members should sue 

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