
Showing posts from February, 2024

The black phone 2 is coming October 5th 2025 to understand the movie gotta watch the first one that been out

the black phone one dropped on june 24 2022 it was about teenager's going missing and hirl having dreams about them until her brother was kidnapped but he was the only one who that survived and killed the kidnapper so they have to get somebody else to play that part unless they changed the entire movie

Columbus cop arrested and fired for trying to steal a pair of $140 dollar pair of sneakers she could've just bought them

Usually the cops bust criminals stealing items set up them up in drug bust being uncover risking their lives but when you're a cop that's on duty walking in a department store to shop and decided to steal you're taking it to a whole nother level that's what police officer Robin Conner did while she was on duty she walked in dicks sporting store to shop looking at sneakers grabbed a pair that cost $140 dollars but didn't make it out because employees stopped her called the police her co workers showed up with her Boss she was arrested put in her own police vehicle transported to jail now she's fired to

Bringing back the real dunk contest the way it should be dunks that makes the crowd get excited to cheer

The NBA needs to approve this idea the best idea that I've heard so far bringing back the dunk battle it hasn't been a real dunk contest since Michael Jordan and Dominic battle Kobe Bryant battle this year it wasn't a lot of players because some are to stuck up following other person and refusing to play that's why legends always going to be on top because they The ones who joined in making The dunk contest legendary it started January 27 1976 with Dr j winning the first trophy than Larry Nance than spud Webb than Michael Jordan so many good ones after so NBA needs to bring that competition back like it was back than

Judge Sonya McKnight is now a inmate for shooting her ex boyfriend in the face now in prison for years

A judge has the Power to have case thrown away or have innocent people go to jail for crimes they never been apart of so many have been convicted for years and set Free because their case was overturned do to being innocent but this judge should have been locked up in 2019 for shooting her husband but her powers of being a judge she was found innocent of All charges now Pennsylvania judge Sonya 54 years old is sitting behind bars for shooting her ex boyfriend Michael McCoy in his home while he was sleeping she tried to convince him that he shot himself instead but it didn't work the court probably going to give her life in prison

Mother arrested had her 5 year old daughter doing Brazilian waxing on clients to make her money now facing charges

Certain things a 5 year old shouldn't be doing and this is One really shouldn't be learning to do until she reaches an older age but this mother had her child doing it' the child did 21 clients all together in a house that was turned into a waxing in Memphis TN 6 Year olds supposed. To be playing outside watching their favorite cartoons on TV playing with their favorite toys reading books but I guess 30 , Year old jasmine Moss turned her child into a under age worker because she was definitely not old enough to be doing this kind of work especially on older women messing with strong chemicals

She took her child's life by putting it in the oven she told police it was an accident she's now in prison

1 month old baby never going to get that chance to grow up because the mother took the child life away by putting it in the oven and tried to cover it up by saying it was a accident she 26 year Mariah Thomas from Kansas City Missouri how the hell you mistake a oven for crib was she drunk or on drugs something had to be wrong or she wanted to do it she could've gave the baby to someone else that would raise it instead of taking the child Life now she facing murder charges she better hope them inmates don't hurt her

Quiet on the set the dark side of kids TV Match 17-18 so many things happened behind the scenes you didn't know

Nickelodeon Network this is why it was really created to bring in kids for these pedophiles posing as producers writes camera men all around the studio you wonder why The studio in California closed down and was left abandoned until someone bought it city should've knocked it down so many that became victims it's dam shame that they still making kids shows still on TV promoting looking for kids to be on new shows to be victims to network should be shut down but they probably come back as something else for kids to be apart of especially right now

he was arrested for stealing pacifiers straight out of babies mouths and sucking on them

He has to be the dumbest thief in the world I guess he's addicted to them didn't want to buy some so he decided to go around and grab babies pacifiers instead a total of five different colors babies he's 23 years old man from the UK named losh guilder the arena he was at was Harlow Essex searching for pacifiers until he was busted by police and was arrested judge gave him 14 months in Medford crown court they should've gave him 14 months in changing baby pampers out in public I bet he won't be doing that again

Busted on the job having sex with a male inmate that the wrong thing to do either be locked or fired

I bet she wished she didn't do it now went from corrections officer to inmate I guess she thought she wasn't going to get caught now she going to lose everything she was trying to do with getting the Job Akira Jones 20 years old corrections deputy who the Shelby county sheriff's office decided to release all that sexual build up on the job but she works in male prison that's one thing she wasn't supposed to do now she's the one wearing prison orange colors with mug shot she definitely messed up her life for a quickie in the cell

NYPD retired the police robot that did absolutely nothing in the subway millions of dollars gone creating that trash can

They spent millions creating this robot that weighs 420 pounds robot called knight scope k5 security it was a big failure it was suppose to patrol the subway all it did was moved around making plenty of noises and got in people way it debut in 2023 it didn't stop any crime especially people from jumping the turnstile so They can ride for free it looks like big webcam on wheels or giant trash can cleaning up the walkways in the subway now it's going to be nothing but scrap metal to be recycled into something else that's going to be expensive that don't work

Killer Mike arrested at the Grammys after winning it on the stage I guess someone was mad at him

Who setup killer Mike it seems funny as soon as he he won he didn't get a chance to celebrate his winnings because police came and arrested him was it someone that didn't win and got mad called The police department and made false charges against him was it the owners of the stadium that wanted to kick killer Mike out because he won big over the corny artists that was sitting there it's going to come out why especially when Ben crump seems it takes on the case for killer Mike they going to have to pay Big time

the parents of onlyfans model Courtney clenney who killed her boyfriend has been arrested for stealing evidence

Back in 2022 Courtney decided she wanted to stab her long time boyfriend Christian multiple times she must've thought she can play the victim and have the jury in her favor but it didn't work out like she wanted it the jury found her guilty of murder now her parents Kim and Deborah clenney has been arrested for stealing The boyfriends laptop it must've been evidence on it they probably tried to delete especially videos of him being abused by her even the murder itself maybe they thought getting rid of evidence daughter be released from jail wrong

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