
Showing posts from November, 2024

The black phone 2 is coming October 5th 2025 to understand the movie gotta watch the first one that been out

the black phone one dropped on june 24 2022 it was about teenager's going missing and hirl having dreams about them until her brother was kidnapped but he was the only one who that survived and killed the kidnapper so they have to get somebody else to play that part unless they changed the entire movie

Brother and sister hired a undercover agent posing as hitman to kill their stepfather to get his million dollar insurance money to live Rich lifestyle now they sit in jail

in Mississippi brother and sister wanted that rich lifestyle but didn't want to work for it so they came up with a plan to get a million dollars fast and you won't believe what they decide to do both these idiots plotted to kill their stepfather to collect the insurance money so they started looking for somebody to kill him but hers how it all fell apart the hitman was undercover agent that soon arrested them both now they're sitting in jail facing years in prison instead of being free could have earned money saved up to become successful instead i bet all their friends are laughing at them both for being stupid and stepfather probably moved out of that house and left the mom

44 million stolen to live a expensive life style he could never afford but the money he took belongs to non profit company he worked for

when you trust people to handle finances uou expect them to do it right and not be greedy and steal from your company well this man got really greedy William Smith from Detroit decided to steal a combine total of 44 million dollars in cash big it belong to a non profit company called Detroit River front they are helping to rebuild the city by bringing in more businesses creating jobs and more this man took their money bought homes cars went on trips ate at really expensive restaurants now hes sitting in jail the feds arrested him he should get more than 15 years for stealing non profit company thats helping rebuilding Detroit so people can live better

Forty four year old case of missing new York couple has been solved they were found in the same area they went missing at

a New York couple eas traveling back from Florida to New York City to go home but new made it family members have been searching since 1980 their names are Charles and Catherine romer police back than didn't have the technology that they have now to search with the case has been passed down from generation to generation but a man named jason souhrada with his team searched the back of the motel where small pond is at and found a vehicle and when it was pulled out they were still in it because the license plate had their name on it cold cases never go away they just sit there until they get solved even if it takes 44 years later

Twenty five years in prison court judge gave Susan lorincz she thought she was going to be found innocent.of murder charges

Susan lorincz was angry neighbor that didn't want black people to live or be around her house but her neighbor are black it started a fued between her and the kids and their mother they all could have dat down and talked about the problems but nope susan wanted blood so she decided to plot the murder by hiding a gun at the front door so when their mother came knocking she can shoot and make it into self defense but it didn't work out in her favor the judge knew it was a plan all along and sentenced her to twenty five years in prison

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