
The black phone 2 is coming October 5th 2025 to understand the movie gotta watch the first one that been out

the black phone one dropped on june 24 2022 it was about teenager's going missing and hirl having dreams about them until her brother was kidnapped but he was the only one who that survived and killed the kidnapper so they have to get somebody else to play that part unless they changed the entire movie

Vehicle you tried to steal wasn't a normal car it was a trap to torque you while it drove you around the city nobody can help you coming March 27th 2025

imagine you looking for the perfect car to steal and see it but when you get in its a trap to touture you the vehicle is sound proof so people outside can't hear you screaming its bullet proof so you can't shoot your way out the owner has complete control over everything the car is doing to you in it its destroying you and nobody but the owner can help you get out the movie comes out March 27 2025

Hunting down worlds dangerous killers that escaped from a prison that didn't exist was it a accident or planned for them to be released into the world to kill

classified prison that holds thousands of the worlds most dangerous killers and more it exploded letting them out free in public to cause more chaos than ever so a team was put together to find them to recapture and bring back but the team discovers that it wasn't an accident at all it was a plan to send them out in the streets to kill people instead and team start noticing they start evolving their skills in other ways to murder people making it harder to track them down in the city from the trailer i know it's going to be good show to check out

Jason Statham is back this time he's tracking down human trafficking ring that took friends daughter only in movie theater March 28

Jason Statham plays a character named levon cade that left being black ops agent to live normal life with his daughter but his bosses daughter disappears so he investigates ti find she was kidnapped by human traffickers the deeper he gets the more people he have to kill off its powerful people behind it all that's running the entire human trafficking ring so you already know how the movie going to end top people always end up being killed

Three deputies that took Rollin hill life is now facing prison for his murder they made it a homicide because the evidence the medical examiner found

on june 4th of 2024 rolin hill was arrested for trespassing on 7 eleven property he wouldn't leave so the manager pressed charges police locked him up at the jail things went wrong and they took his life and said it was an accident but the medical examiner investigation proved that it was straight murder now three of them are facing prison it was five of them all together deputies was fired from their jobs probably going to lose their retirement money which should be going to the hill family

Bodies found hiding in the wheel of the jet blue plane was they murdered and planted there or they tried to travel for free by climbing in the wheel

jet blue problems keep stacking up through out the years now they got the biggest problem two male bodies found by an gate technician doing an maintenance inspection of the plane they called police investigators the flight left out of New York headed to Florida where the bodies was found but both was badly decomposed could've been there for months flying all over before finally getting discovered either they claimed in to ride for free or somebody killed them and hid them in the plane wheel

Innocent babies have been assaulted before the hospital caught on to what she was doing to them now they could be affected by the damage she has done growing up

when you are a nurse you suppose to take care of people not make it worse that what 26 year old erine Elizabeth did working in henrico county va in nicu department taking care of new borns instead of taking care of them right she was causing injuries to them now she's sitting in jail facing charges of child abuse and more now parents are probably going to be suing her and the hospital for their babies getting hurt on their watch

Trae the truth has been reunited with his missing daughter on new years after so many months on the run with her Mom

imagine dropping off your child at the ex house so she can spend time with her but she decided to kidnap her instead that's what happened to Houston rapper Trae the truth in August of 2024 she weyon four month run in different states but was finally arrested in el centro California ex is facing child endangerment charges he had to drive 100 miles to Mexico border to pickup the daughter but it was worth it to get her back safe

Bronx mother decides to abandon her baby girl on a stranger door step Lucky the person took the baby to the hospital to get help

twenty six year old delfina galves decided to abandoned her new born baby girl on someone door step and walked away like it was a door dash delivery now she's in police custody facing serious charges of reckless endangerment and abandonedment of a child could get years in prison she could've just went to her local police department fire department and hospital and told them that she can't handle the responsibility of raising a child

Pizza delivery driver wanted to kill the customer over a tip that was $2 dollars now the driver sitting in jail for stabbing the customer

on 12/22/24 a customer named Melinda irnzarry decided to order pizza from the local restaurant and had it delivered to the Riviera hotel where she was staying at so 22 year old Brianna alvedo showed up with the pizza but things went bad when dhe got the tip Brianna decided to stab Melinda fourteen times by the way Melinda is pregnant she was stabbed in the chest,arms,legs, and abdomen Melinda should've gave her a six or ten dollar tip now she recovering in the hospital

Gillie and Wallo shuts down their boxing event due to shooting outside that involved the police that why it's hard to have events nowadays

the event is called Gillie and wallo ko boxing that went down Friday night 12/20/24 at 8pm the place eas packed with people but i don't think it even started haven't seen any footage of boxers fighting each other in the ring its going to be hard to have another event like this again they both probably move it to another state like Vegas with a building that has more security holding it down they lucky but i bet the police made them shut it down for everybody's safety being there

Cop arrested for shoplifting cough syrup and cough drops her salary is six figure income she could lose it all or even get locked up

to get to be a nypd sergeant you have to be experienced have more than five years being a cop ,education background especially college degree,leadership, communication skills, know how to multitask, never fail drug test,good drivers license, and pass civil service exam thats what 41 year old sgt rayan madho have done to earn that position but she did something that could damage her career she shop lifted some cough syrup and cough drops she's now suspended without pay either they're going to knock her rank down or she might be fired

Failed to fake his death to start a new life with another woman in different country now he's sitting in jail

Ryan borgeardt was living The perfect life family making good money but he decided to give all that up by faking a drowning and travel all the eay to eastern Europe to meet up with a woman hes been talking to online but once the fbi got involved they knew it was faked especially only finding his phone not his wallet or body floating he left evidence all in his computer saying exactly what he wanted to do so he had no choice but to return to the United States now he has to face a judge

Karate kid legends coming to theaters May 30th it's taking it to whole new level in competition and paying homage to legacy of Mr Miyagi aka pat Morita

karate kid legacy started in the 1980s with Ralph macchio as Daniel larusso moved into new neighborhood eventually getting bullied by local teens they beat him down until he was tired learned to train with pat morita aka mr Miyagi and he won over the bully the success of it came karate kid 2 fighting and dominating over yuji okumoto aka chozen toguchi than the third karate kid came he fought a more dangerous villain that knew everything about him but still won this karate kid legends is taking it back to where it all started but with Daniel and mr han training li fong aka ben wong as the next karate kid and the paying homage to Mr Miyagi

Forty two years ago she lost her lunch box well school she went to in the 4th grade they found it in 2024

in 1982 tracy drains was just in the 4th grade went to school with brand new lunch box but at the end of the school day it ended up being lost at yhat same school a plumber was doing work and found it behind a wall so the school posted it online and found her she went back to get it in 2024 its still in perfect condition i know a collector is going to offer up big money for it but she might not sell it because it has sentimental history

Debora redden the inmate that attacked judge Mary Kay in Las Vegas court room is now serving 65 years in prison

11 months ago on January 3 2024 an inmate named debora redden did something that no other inmate did before take flight and attack a judge and other staff members around including a cop her name is judge Mary kay of the las Vegas court the update a new judge took over his case the state added more charges to his existing cases hes facing a total of 65 years in prison never getting out and because of his actions every court room now have to protect judges from being assaulted like that

90 year old class right found in a bar that has some history to the building itself it was built in 1959 so how did the ring get there

this ring has been missing since 1937 that's a total of 90 years a woman named Melissa Kelly bought the local bar back in 2019 found it stuck between small wall while she was reaching for something that fell behind she pulled out a history making piece of jewelry on the ring it says the initials D.F on it the bar is located in Longview Texas

Wanna be gangsta that killed the CEO of United healthcare caught at a MacDonalds getting food nothing but privileged Rich kid grew up had to face real life

not a cold blooded killer that people was calling just a privileged kid from a rich family grew up idealizing serial killers especially the Unabomber and wanted to be famous so luigi mangion decided to hunt down ceo brian Thompson luigi knew exactly where brian was staying and walked up and shot him multiple times on the sidewalk and disappeared on a bike it took police four days to find him he wasn't hiding luigi was getting food at McDonald's he didn't do it for the money someone told him to do it where to find him

Murderer Sean Grayson the man who killed Sonya Massey is going free soon he gets to do things with his family until the trail starts

back on july 6 former officer sean Grayson whos been stalking her he was the intruder outside her home destroying her vehicle so she called the cops but he eas already there probably with his partner both knocked on the door she let them in never expected that she just let in a hitman that was going to kill her now he could be released to be with his family until The trail comes up even though hes a former cop his dad has big connections because state wanted him to be behind bars where he belongs but another court got involved an made a second decision to be released dad must got a black book on judges that did things and he called in a big favor to get his son free from jail because his lawyer couldn't get him free like that

Princeton Jones was nine years old didn't get a chance to grow up because his dad decided to murder him while he was playing

Princeton nones could've been lawyer, doctor Judge be someone that was going to do something important but nine year old Princeton Jones won't have that opportunity because he was killed not by gang shooting or drive-by but murdered by his own farther at grandfather backyard while playing around his teacher said they called child services to investigate because he was coming to school not clean wearing same clothes I don't think child services believed what the school teacher was saying now its to late to do something

Brother and sister hired a undercover agent posing as hitman to kill their stepfather to get his million dollar insurance money to live Rich lifestyle now they sit in jail

in Mississippi brother and sister wanted that rich lifestyle but didn't want to work for it so they came up with a plan to get a million dollars fast and you won't believe what they decide to do both these idiots plotted to kill their stepfather to collect the insurance money so they started looking for somebody to kill him but hers how it all fell apart the hitman was undercover agent that soon arrested them both now they're sitting in jail facing years in prison instead of being free could have earned money saved up to become successful instead i bet all their friends are laughing at them both for being stupid and stepfather probably moved out of that house and left the mom

44 million stolen to live a expensive life style he could never afford but the money he took belongs to non profit company he worked for

when you trust people to handle finances uou expect them to do it right and not be greedy and steal from your company well this man got really greedy William Smith from Detroit decided to steal a combine total of 44 million dollars in cash big it belong to a non profit company called Detroit River front they are helping to rebuild the city by bringing in more businesses creating jobs and more this man took their money bought homes cars went on trips ate at really expensive restaurants now hes sitting in jail the feds arrested him he should get more than 15 years for stealing non profit company thats helping rebuilding Detroit so people can live better

Forty four year old case of missing new York couple has been solved they were found in the same area they went missing at

a New York couple eas traveling back from Florida to New York City to go home but new made it family members have been searching since 1980 their names are Charles and Catherine romer police back than didn't have the technology that they have now to search with the case has been passed down from generation to generation but a man named jason souhrada with his team searched the back of the motel where small pond is at and found a vehicle and when it was pulled out they were still in it because the license plate had their name on it cold cases never go away they just sit there until they get solved even if it takes 44 years later

Twenty five years in prison court judge gave Susan lorincz she thought she was going to be found innocent.of murder charges

Susan lorincz was angry neighbor that didn't want black people to live or be around her house but her neighbor are black it started a fued between her and the kids and their mother they all could have dat down and talked about the problems but nope susan wanted blood so she decided to plot the murder by hiding a gun at the front door so when their mother came knocking she can shoot and make it into self defense but it didn't work out in her favor the judge knew it was a plan all along and sentenced her to twenty five years in prison

The legendary Wayans family is back for the scary movie franchise in scary movie 6 dropping in 2025 I know it's going to be funny

the scary movie franchise started with the original movie dropping in movie theaters July 7 2000 poking fun at movies that came out but Wayans put their own comedy spin on it became successful so they dropped the sequel that next year July 4 2001 still directed by the Wayans this time it took place in a haunted house where they all was a part of a experiment they all had to survive and help each other based on Hollywood horror movie that came out house on the haunted hill they put their own spin on it part three four the Wayans wasn't involved other people took over the franchise but now they back to make it funny and you know it's going to be crazy so much has been going on i know the Wayans going to add in the movie it should drop next year 2025 scary movie 6

Apple bottom clothing line is back for all you ladies to wear to look good in all New styles and more

when Apple bottom clothing line dropped in 2003 ladies was rocking them good big bootys was looking good but they need to make plus size apple bottoms for plus size ladies to wear because if i owned that clothing line brand that would come out first for all fine big apple bottom plus size ladies Nelly needs to expand into all sizes instead of slim sizes he would generate way bigger profit and clothing line would last much longer

Proof that Walmart employee didn't lock herself in the oven someone put her in and lock her in killing her

Walmart employee in canda was straight up murdered in the oven her name is gursimran kamr she eas a teen working hard making a paycheck but this tragedy effected everyone that worked there she was discovered by her own mom that also worked there to this video shows proof that you can't lock yourself in the oven you have to pull certain way to open in and lock it from the outside and there's no inside emergency button to hit to get out so she had to be placed in it or pushed in someone locked it killing her by using the oven i know there's gotta be surveillance video because Walmart got camera's all over the store

Big Meech has been released from prison and living out the rest of his sentence in a halfway house until 2026

back in 1985 brothers got together and created a business that turned into a successful company called black Mafia family one of them big meech one of the Co-founders made power moves even bigger made investments with celebrities ,rap artists, and so many more went to the biggest parties even created them but by 1990 dea started investigating them i guess they were getting jealous that black men together was making to much money buying the newest cars staying in bigger house's than what agents can afford so by 2005 dea was handing out indictments like it was candy brothers got 30 years now big meech was finally released from prison but he has to live in a half way house to finish the remainder of his sentence by 2026 he will be free man

Joker: Folie à Deux is labeled the worst movie in all theaters right now people have straight walked out on it' should've never released it from the start

when Hollywood drops a trailer for a movie you think it's going to be a blockbuster movie to watch joker one movie matched the trailer millions of people went to see itin theaters bought it on dvd and online streaming services so when Joker: Folie à Deux finally hit the theaters it did work out at all fans all over walked out mad spending all that money on garbage movie its big flop i know Hollywood not making anything on iti don't think its going to be on streaming services now they should've just scrapped the entire movie because I know they had a private screening to get feedback from the fans

Former sheriff Jamey noel stole $5 million dollars to Liv a rich lifestyle but the impact caused destruction in the small town

once a sheriff controlled indiana Clark county jail and a non profit fire department was helping people but he decided to get greedy and steal tax payers money $5 million dollars worth to live a rich lifestyle he really couldn't afford his wife and daughter was also part of it he bought private plane that took them on expensive trips bought $800 dollar belts to work in and 130 classic cars to drive around in but the money he stole did heavy damage to the fire department some lost jobs ems couldn't buy the equipment they need in an emergency hes looking at 15 years being charged with 27 felonies and wife and daughter going to be in same prison together to could be getting months or years it depends on what the judge say

NBC found season 2 October 3rd this time he's not chained in the basement and he's kidnapped Lacey Quinn the team have to find her before he decides to kill her

found season 1 all started with sir being a school English teacher trying to teach his students about different authors who wrote books and what they meant but nobody wanted to learn until Gabby came along and knew exactly what he was trying to teach in his class she knew every book title he said he invited her to his house to see rare book collection but he kidnapped her by chaining her leg to the bed years went passed until he brung home lacey quinn Gabby and Lacey became sister's they finally escaped by hitting him in the head with skillet grew up to help find others go missing but Gabby herself had sir in the basement locked up until he escaped now season 2 he kidnapped lacey the team has to find her before sir kill's her

Den of thieves 2 Pantera drops January 10 2025 he's not a cop now he's making money doing heist with a crew

den of thieves first movie was about cops that was tired of the normal life working for a paycheck and wanted more by robbing big money places but their was one that took them down now the sequel hes out for the fast money joining in on the heist because he's broke especially being a ex cop the heist is going after The largest stash of diamonds but it's getting into a building that has more security than president The only way in and out of the building is slowly climbing down and back up though the same way without setting off the alarm

Tia Kemp Rick ross ex wife could be the one to bring his entire rich lifestyle to the ground with all what she's saying

ex wife is the wrong person to know certain secrets especially dealing in the streets she knows all that can bring his rich lifestyle to the ground he could end up in prison for the cold case shes talking about feds probably watching snd listening to everything shes saying i know they going to be looking in to it she might have a Black book of everything that they did in the past all the way to today ross better be prepared just in case that warrant comes to his house his lawyer better come up with something or else

Feds come knocking they been watching and collecting evidence for years on him they just wanted him to enjoy the freedom before locking him up

people don't realize there's a difference between regular cops us marshalls detectives swat and feds each division have cases but feds sit back and build case's everything you do They know about and watch record stack up on all the evidence it could have over 100 different paperwork files on you with p Diddy feds been watching him eay before he created bad boy label tracking his every movement when they searched his home in march they let him be free now he's been arrested facing Rico case sex trafficking so much more i know biggie smalls family is happy he was arrested because i know he has something to do with him being killed

Murder cover up of a successful truck driver named Javion Magee found standing against a tree with a rope around his neck tight

Chicago man javion magee eas only 21 years old making it living as a truck driver he had to make a delivery in Henderson North Carolina at local Walmart but he didn't make it back to Chicago he was found tied to a tree rope around his neck the truck was few feet down from him investigators claimed he bought the rope from Walmart if he did he probably bought it to use on tie down something on the truck family members say police and corna say it was suicide but They don't believe it at all this was straight up murder and made it seem like he killed himself because why would he travel outside his own state to take his own life i bet his truck had cameras connected i bet that' footage going to show what happened also the gps tracking and where's the Walmart footage of him buying the rope

Galaxy Gas nothing but giant vape disguised as a cool whip bottle it comes in multiple flavors and dangerous they inhaling it getting high should be banned

back in 2020 the FDA decided to put a ban on vape pens because of its metal poisoning people it came in multiple flavors now it's a new product called galaxy gas its supposed to be whipped cream but people are inhaling it like vape pens it's destroying them by doing it someone is making millions of people lives you got multiple flavors like mango , orange, strawberry,blue raspberry, blueberry, vanilla cupcake, fruit punch and more it has nitrous oxide laughing gas that only should be found in medical places not in something like this what happened to inspecting these products before it be able to sell i guess they paid off people to look the other way

3d printers could be getting banned because people found a way to create guns and bullets that they can't get because you have to be 18 and over to purchase a actual.real gun in a shop

3d printers eas created to create fun things to start a business creating your own toys but it wasn't to be used for making guns knives bats to do damage to someone ghost guns have hit the streets and police are trying to stop the flow of these dangerous printed weapons of many styles but the states just might crack down and banned them all to together doing this can effect alot of people businesses that actually use them to resell products especially kid Toys logos and more whoever started this had to be skilled in creating guns Detroit police department raided a house of 14 year old suspect he must've been selling them to anybody in the neighborhood

Miami police officer took it to far putting handcuffs on Miami dolphins player Tyreek hill instead of giving him a ticket

in Miami Florida another cop decided he wanted to vent out his rage on somebody and that's what happened when Miami dolphins Tyreek hill drove up amost getting to the stadium and bam they pulled up deep on him throwing him to the ground putting handcuffs on him he was telling them he just had his knee surgery they didn't care at all could've cost him being out for the season i know his lawyer and the team owners are going to sue that cop because the cop is under investigation should've been fired from the police department but he probably just got hired somewhere else

That chase Bank check fraud is about to turn your entire Life upside down you can loose everything you're home cars businesses and more

woman in the video works for the fraud department that takes gets information so chase Bank can get warrants for all who have done it some people already have been arrested facing serious charges should've been more careful and decided not to get involved with it because The good life you had being free to walk around is about to change especially if you facing prison time or paying chase Bank by losing your homes cars businesses better hope they have different options besides going to prison especially if you never been payment plan that might take you years to pay off especially if you took over 100 thousand dollars every month is going to break your pocket especially if you got the entire family involved

Return of Tony starks in the new avengers secret war to battle the legendary doctor Doom can Tony really defeat him or is it going to be another victim

Tony starks killed himself to destroy Thanos and entire crew in the movie avengers endgame also he brought back everybody who disappeared but it looks like he's making his return in the new movie avengers secret warsto battle doctor Doom because they both have the same way of thinking i wonder how they going to pull that off your going to have to wait awhile longer the movie comes out until may 7 2027 it will be good if they change the date to January 2025 instead studio can generate billions of dollars now especially with action figures promoting the movie at theaters

The official trailer for sonic the hedgehog 3 the movie is dropping December 20th 2024 Keanu Reeves is the voice of shadow

this time Sonic and the team has a villain they can't beat the unstoppable shadow sonic that broke out of a underground prison cell made by us government so sonic and the team had to get help from the one person that tried to destroy them doctor eggman and his team now is saving the world with sonic knuckles and tails keanu Reeves has joined the cast and hes doing the voice for shadow sonic the movie drops 12/20/24 it might be in theaters but i know its on streaming services i see a lot of people happy to watch it when it comes out

Gary the new documentary about Gary Coleman life from stardom to accident death or was it murder on peacock August

once you become famous everybody comes looking for money even his own parents took advantage and stole everything people close to him coming out and still saying it wasn't an accident at all it was murder can this documentary reopen his case and can the ex wife be charged all these years later can the new dna testing prove that a murder took place in the house she still saying it was an accident did she collect any money grom taking his Life never know unless The State decides to do their own investigation in 2024 because others are saying murder

The incredibles 3 in the works are all the original voices going to be doing The characters or are their new voices

It' all being on November 5 2004 with a couple living a normal life but they were superheroes saving the city from villains but they messed up and each time had to Go in New neighborhood with new name's than the second movie dropped June 15 2018 the agency was no more superheroes was being hunted down and killed so the had to hide The villain took over by trying to hypnotize superheroes into villains causing the city to not sign bill to bring back superheroes now the incredibles 3 it' has to be more than fighting crime to be number one in movie theaters 

Toy story 5 has a new villain electronics has taken over kids playing Time what The toys going to do now to get kid's attention back movie drops June 19 2026

toy story plot is that kids have discovered The joy of playing on electronics ipads laptops phones that means they all pushing away their time and imagation with the toys they did almost everything with going on adventures now the toys sitin the closet collecting dust so Woody and buzz have to find a way to get kids back into playing with them again it's going to be awhile to see the movie because it drops on June 19 2026 there's fans still watching the original movie and collect The toys from each movie i know they going to introduce new toys in the movie since this maybe the last one to be made for the franchise

Robert Downey Jr is officially playing Doctor Doom in the New Avengers Doomsday movie coming 2025

Robert Downey Jr is back with the marvel family but not as iron man but as the infamous doctor doom a way better villain than thanos i wonder how the costume going to look because the fantastic four doom was straight corny it was more plastic than anything is he going to cause more damage this time the original man they had to play doctor doom was Johnathan majorsbut he was setup in that fake assault case to loose that role and many others now its Robert Downey Jr who played iron man character that' can an never come back in the mcu world because he couldn't handle the power of the glove

Racoons think the 250 thousand dollar cybertrucks are dumpsters and they trying to get in and look for food by scratching and biting doing damage

if you own or thinking about buying one you better get aminal insurance to protect it because raccoons are running around bitting and scratching trying to open it they think it's a garbage dumpster full of old food people threw away but it's not and raccoons causing a lot of damage to your vehicles you better hope the dealership you bought them from can make the repairs because if they can you have to find local people that can fix it fo reasonable prices it just may get expensive especially if they have to take it apart and re paint the entire vehicle 

Sonya Massey was murdered by this former deputy that was called to check out her home because she heard someone outside

on July 6th 36 year old Sonya Massey called 911 and told them she heard someone outside of her home so two deputies showed up knocked on her door talked to her than inspected around her home in spring field Illinois didn't find anything so they decided to go inside and asked her a few questions her metal health they wanted to see her id but she couldn't find it deputies noticed pot on the stove with water boiling and was told to take it off so it wouldn't burn so she did deputy Sean greyson threatened to shoot her in the face and he did taking her life now her family has legendary civil rights attorney ben crump as their attorney and now former deputy Sean greyson is indicated on murder charges his mug shot is all over the world

United airlines flight attendant created a lie of being assaulted by NFL legend Terrell Davis he was arrested in front of his own family

traveling suppose to be relaxing people get on airplanes to go on vacation travel on business trips somewhere you have to be what happened to Terrell Davis was a setup by that flight attendant works for United airlines everything was going good until terrell Davis tapped the flight attendant on the shoulder asking for a cup of ice for his son the flight attendant flipped out and said not to touch me them when the plane landed fbi boarded it putting handcuffs on him they were called to arrest him for vicious assault but none of that was true at all especially when the plane eas full of other passengers to united airlines have removed the flight attendant and they are investigating the case somebody getting sued either The airport or flight attendant

Shabrina mcgee and her son Kane is missing family members haven't heard from her in over two months she may have traveled to Virginia

26 year old shabrina mcgee and 3 year old son Kane mcgee just up and vanished she and baby was last seen in seaboard North Carolina but she's from Atherton Jackson Street in North Carolina could be in Virginia the family says Left on June 27th 2024 they haven't seen her and the baby in 2 months shabrina mcgee is 5'5 weighs about 130 to 140 black hair brown eyes if you seen her or know where she's hiding get in contact with chief Brenda brunette at 252 554 9779 her family really wants to find where she's at and want to have her and son home safe

Captain America brave New world dropping February 14th 2025 is this going to be blockbuster movie coming in at number one

Captain America brave New world they took it to the next level now who can you trust it's going to be more villains that's going to have the power than the superheroes starting with the red hulk probably going to destroy the new Captain America it looks like he's going to be by himself as the only hero trying to save the day the film has cast of legends Harrison Ford as the red hulk , Anthony Mackie as sam Wilson,wwe superstar seth Rollins,shira hans as saba, Giancarlo Esposito,liv Taylor as Betty ross, Danny Ramirez as Joaquin Torres, Sebastian stan as buddy barnes,tim blake as Samuel sterms and so many more

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United airlines flight attendant created a lie of being assaulted by NFL legend Terrell Davis he was arrested in front of his own family

That chase Bank check fraud is about to turn your entire Life upside down you can loose everything you're home cars businesses and more