Sixty seven years ago this family went missing nobody couldn't find the vehicle that they were in this vehicle could be the evidence to solving the case

Crazynews about real life news from all over the world from people getting busted , missing People animals breaking in homes people stealing cars celebrities getting in trouble fake jewelry and sneakers that big name stores selling banned items companies still selling out there people getting scammed by rich people celebrities fighting each other in public places recalled products like food car parts paint tools kid items toys beds clothes baby items like can milk dog .WHOLE LOT MORE .....
THERE'S MANY DIFFERENT WAYS TO BUY AND SELL CARS FROM GOING TO CAR DEALERSHIPS TP EVEN EBAY EVEN GETTING IT DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOU'RE HOME BUT THIS IS TO CRAZY A TEXAS WOMAN DECIDED TO RENT A 2002 Toyota' Camry but what she tried to do with it Definitely going to shock you she went and created fake paperwork so she can sell the car met up with the person that wanted to buy it the buyer was looking at the car unsuspecting it noticing something different look right especially looking at the license plate it was giving off false information so the buyer flagged a cop that was driving by he checked the car out it came back stolen from the rental place the seller was arrested facing charges of auto thief and more she just lost her freedom trying to make fast money
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