
Showing posts from May, 2023

Driving Drunk on The beach facing serious charges could've ran over multiple people causing serious damage

A Day at the beach suppose to be fun exciting everybody enjoying their day swimming building Sand castles playing volleyball or football in The water to cool off but they never expected to be running and dodging big size SUV blazing down the Beach going 50 miles speeding The SUV than got stuck trying to turn around ended up in the water so both The driver and passenger gets out standing around the police was called they showed up interview The driver finds our she's drunk police arrest her on DUI and endangering people lives her name is Sarah ramsammy 26 years old from Orlando Florida

Arby's Restaurant freezer killed her trapping her in because handle never got fixed I know the family going to sue them

Arby's is one restaurant I'll never try to eat ate just don't like the food I'll make My own sandwichs the Way I like them but a woman named Nguyen le 63 years old was put ther to handle the manager position temporary she worked there for awhile one thing she complained about was The freezer door The handle was in bad shape needed to be replaced but no one from Arby's management had it done on May eleventh she got dropped off to work started her Day went into the freezer she got trapped in because The broken handle never got fixed tried to bang for help but The Cold Air was to much and it killed her now family suing The company and The restaurant where she worked at 

Carmelo Anthony retires what next does he have something else already setup knowing him he has things planned

Carmelo Anthony started his career in highschool were he developed his skills in basketball he started growing more making a name for himself not only in school but in playing street Ball in local Parks to Carmelo Anthony started messing up in school could have lost everything he worked hard to build up once he got to college he started focusing more on his basketball and definitely school work keeping Up his grades than he decided to go for 2003 NBA draft made it to Dever nuggets rookie season got drafted to the Knicks around 2011than Oklahoma City 2017 than rockets 2018 Portland 2019 than Lakers 2021 than he decided to retire in 2023 

Roommate ate his last hotpocket and got shot this is why you don't eat other people food buy your own

Imagine coming home you're so hungry you know you got hot pockets in the refrigerator so you look in and all you got is empty box and you see The roommate eating the one hot pocket you had left that you bought from the grocery store so you start arguing that's what happened to a man named Clifton Williams his roommate ate his last hotpocket they both arguing fight break's out The roommate wants to leave Clifton Williams goes to get his gun aims and shoots The roommate in the ass now he's facing serious charges held on 7,500 dollars bond 

South Korea airline passenger opens door while the plane was flying in the air luckily people got him down

This is not a Hollywood movie being filmed in a studio it's a real situation going on with real passengers on a Korea airline plane flying in the air with it's door open everybody holding on to their seats The doo was opened by one idiot passenger that decided to Get up and do that how did that person get that close to the door where was the security or The police at to stop it that plane could have crashed it would have been a lot worse for everyone including that idiot that passenger should Get Life in prison for doing that

96 years later this book was returned to the library luckily they didn't have to pay back the late fees

This could be the oldest book returned to the library 96 years later a man was cleaning out the garage when he noticed the book he said in 1927 his grandfather got the book from the library the book was passed down from family members to family member through out the decade until it was discovered that it didn't belong to them at all it belongs to St Helens California library The fee's would have been 1,700 but the library waived it off they said back than books cost .25 cents a month for late fees lucky he didn't have to pay All that for one old book 

Why you shouldn't smoke after pumping gas that's why they got signs all over the place warning you about it

When you pumping gas at any gas station it's really dangerous especially when you smoking this idiot in turkey went to a gas station to fill up his car than he decided to light up a cigarette while he sat in The car and it went boom entire car and him was on fire he jumped out The gas station owner came running with the fire extinguisher putting it out man was rushed to the hospital with burns to his face and hands I bet he's going to quit smoking after getting burned up and he got to get New car

Wrestling legend Goldberg injured in tractor accident he's lucky to Walk away from it like that with few bruises and cuts

Goldberg wasn't in a hardcore match wasn't best up at a Mall didn't get in a car accident he just cracked his Head on his tractor working on his farm in Texas that's right got injured working was he going to fast don't know or he tried to avoid an animal in the way don't know but I know he probably going to need stitches and he's definitely going to have a Big scar once it heals up unless they got a way of not having a scar it looks like he's not in pain from it at all just lucky it wasn't worse 

Exposing parchman documentary finally here June 17 exposing the brutal situations of this Mississippi prison over the decade

Exposing parchman is about parchman prison in Mississippi where security guards are killing inmates by beating them with weapon and even with their hands and feet inmates are living in a prison that should have been destroyed decades ago there has been flood's where inmates sleep walls crumbling down people getting hurt no red electricity food making the inmates still live there without moving them state is trying to rebuild it need millions to do what they need to do to save the building instead of just knocking The prison down most of it is already down just move the inmates to better prison 

She killed her baby boy in the hospital bathroom now she's in prison for murder her parents didn't know she was pregnant been hiding it

It's a dam shame that the baby couldn't even live his life because she wanted to hide being even pregnant from her family members it all started Mom rushing her to The hospital because she complained about having lower back pains but The nurse found out she was pregnant instead 19 year old alexee trevizo rushed into the bathroom hiding for over 20 minutes with the door locked came back out The hospital janitor saw blood on the floor when he went to clean up The bathroom went to empty the trash noticed it was heavy opened it UP and found baby boy belonging to alexee The nurse told her mom and she couldn't believe it the police was called to arrest her hope she goes away on murder

Couple locked up for trying to smuggle cocaine in fake pregnant belly that she had on but once they searched her they knew

 People have been smuggling drug's for decades in so many different ways in TV's car's radios air conditioners toys food pet's clothes electronics writing pens furniture cooking pots Tupperware but this takes it to a whole another level two idiots decided to get a fake pregnant belly load it up with multiple bags of cocaine but they wasn't counting on being searched at a check stop police noticed they were given false information they took off running The fake pregnant belly started dropping The cocaine All over the ground police arrested them on The spot They definitely facing Long prison sentence 

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