Sixty seven years ago this family went missing nobody couldn't find the vehicle that they were in this vehicle could be the evidence to solving the case

Crazynews about real life news from all over the world from people getting busted , missing People animals breaking in homes people stealing cars celebrities getting in trouble fake jewelry and sneakers that big name stores selling banned items companies still selling out there people getting scammed by rich people celebrities fighting each other in public places recalled products like food car parts paint tools kid items toys beds clothes baby items like can milk dog .WHOLE LOT MORE .....
Goldberg wasn't in a hardcore match wasn't best up at a Mall didn't get in a car accident he just cracked his Head on his tractor working on his farm in Texas that's right got injured working was he going to fast don't know or he tried to avoid an animal in the way don't know but I know he probably going to need stitches and he's definitely going to have a Big scar once it heals up unless they got a way of not having a scar it looks like he's not in pain from it at all just lucky it wasn't worse
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