
Showing posts from June, 2023

The black phone 2 is coming October 5th 2025 to understand the movie gotta watch the first one that been out

the black phone one dropped on june 24 2022 it was about teenager's going missing and hirl having dreams about them until her brother was kidnapped but he was the only one who that survived and killed the kidnapper so they have to get somebody else to play that part unless they changed the entire movie

she left her 16 month baby girl home alone and went on vacation she died now in prison on murder charges

This mother fucker decided she wanted to go on vacation she packed her bags and left on journey to Puerto Rico and Detroit when she got home Young baby girl passed away from not being feed giving milk being cleaned up police is charging her with murder her name is Kristel candelario 31 years old the neighbors said that's not the only time she had done it they tried to tell her to stop but she didn't listen now she's really on vacation but this time she can never go home she has two older kids but they went with grandparents now They have to take care of them

Kraven the hunter drops October getting revenge on all who killed his family and other animals

The story is about Dad teaching his kids how to survive don't let anyone beat them done if you're weak you're kicked out of the family Dad loves to hunt and kill animals before it attacks tries to teach him how to hunt but it all went wrong when the Big Lion attacked him Dad didn't shoot The Lion basically Left him for dead the blood from the Lion mixed onto his DNA turn him into the ultimate hunter son grew into man used his skills to start getting revenge on anybody that hunted and kill animals including his own farther 

Fake cps worker tried to kidnap four year old boy outside his own home while they mom was in the house

Four year old boy was playing in front of his house when a woman walked up to him and decided to touch the back of his head he than moved away didn't want the woman to touch him again walking into the house he told his mom that a woman was touching him so she came outside The woman identified herself as a cps worker that means she works for the state moms didn't believe her she called the police 44 year old Lisa macrelli was arrested for impersonating a police officer could be facing prison time if found guilty 

He murdered his three kids he should've just took his own life so they could grow up and be successful

Three kids never got a chance to grow up and experience life going to high school moving on to college getting their dream job meeting someone getting married having their own kid's because their own farther 32 Year old Chad doreman took all that away by murdering them with a gun their were young boy's ages 3,4 and 7 a woman called 911 saying her babies were shot police officer Saw her she was shot in the hand police officer threw The handcuffs on him The other officers tried their Best to do CPR on the young boy's but it was to late for them 

Time is running out for 5 missing people on mini submarine things like that shouldn't be created and banned from going down

A mini submarine created using old radio shack part's They had stored in The garage or storage unit didn't to cheap to build a real one made from technology people use now They would already been found with built-in tracking and it would have came back to The ship now people Lost deep in the ocean can't escape no food or water and about to run out of air in The submarine that's their biggest concern because they can freeze with that much Cold below The coast guard now has to use Navy technology that can pickup sound in the water to help pin point The 5, peopl

🐻 Breaks into second story window ate all the food home owners couldn't believe it when they saw the video

🐻 Broke in ate pork chops home owner left out to make for dinner and he ate all snack's It use to be you had to look out for people trying to break into your house setting up cameras getting gun's to protect your home now there's new thieves making there way into your home's Big bear's all They want is all your food now you have to lock up your cabinets freezer's refrigerators closets They know how to open doors to Get what they want don't leave any windows open doors unlocked even your car door's especially if you leave food in them bear's tear the interior Up leaving you with Big billl for repairs especially if you're insurance not going to cover it

who murdered mia kanu college student from Tennessee was it the people she was hanging with or a stalker

Mia kanu grew up wanting to be a veterinarian love taking care of animals after graduating from high decided to go to college to further her education to be a veterinarian coming home for the summer vacation decided to meet up with some new friends but at The party an argument broke out she decided to leave with the people she came their with but didn't make it home her body was found in the middle of the street no One called for help she would be alive today police has video surveillance of her getting pushed out of the car while it was moving she was only 23 years old

Casanova was slashed in the face with a weapon by another inmate but he protected himself by fighting back

An inmate named Ulysses Lugo decided he wanted to make a name for himself by slashing Casanova in the face didn't really work out good for him because they chased him down and slashed him Up even worse see in prison there's no protection no bodyguards just you looking out for yourself because The people you thought was your homies was your enemies from the start plotting to set you up looking for the right time to catch you to stand kill you Casanova is still facing 60 year's they haven't sentenced him yet just waiting on them to hand it down 

Denver nuggets fire truck runs down a police officer was the driver drunk on something or wasn't paying attention

Denver nuggets broken a 47 year old curse of not winning a championship that curse was destroyed when they defeated the Miami heat 4-1 before that demolished The Lakers 4-0 they didn't have a chance now celebrating at the parade riding on The fire truck it runs over a Denver police officer they quickly rush him to the hospital you already know it's going to be a investigation who was driving how much he had to drink or was somebody playing around with the button and steering wheel that it went forward to fast causing the cop to get hit 

Bus driver fired because he protected himself and two the passengers on the bus I bet he has better job now

Riding ok the public bus suppose to be safe for passengers to get to work school and other places They need to get to nowadays people getting hurt robbed because of idiots trying to make themselves famous this idiot decided that he wanted to get off before The bus reached the actual stop bus driver David fuller said he couldn't let him off because he couldn't just pull off to the side while car's was driving behind him idiot got mad started arguing with the bus driver said he was going to shoot him idiot pulled out his gun but he didn't know that The bus driver was armed himself both started shooting at each other bus driver got hit in the arm idiot got hit in the leg he got arrested David fuller after 20 years on the Job he was fired because he had a gun to protect himself and the passengers

Joseline Hernandez arrested facing serious charges she put hands on several police officers and started the fight that turned into a major brawl

Joseline Hernandez got skills she was decking people left and right but her target was The woman in the black outfit named Big lex she's a model I guess she thought she was the baddest in the building she was wrong about that Joseline Hernandez was knocking her down every time she got Up people tried to break it up until she was in headlock getting punched in the face multiple times several others trying to pull them apart luckily someone grabbed Big lex so she won't be hit again her breasts definitely was exposed for everyone to see them Joseline Hernandez got arrested facing multiple charges could be going to prison for awhile 

Ten year old stole SUV to travel to Detroit to visit moms and causing a lot of damage to other cars

Drivers on highway couldn't believe what they were seeing driving a SUV on big highway multiple calls came in to the highway patrol to look our for young driver speeding almost lost control The OnStar called the vehicle in to police as stolen the cop car spotted The Buick encore biut didn't want to give Chase or hit it because The driver was 10 years old how did The kid steal it was it running while someone went in the house to Get something or does it belong to a family member The OnStar system decided to shut down the entire vehicle making The young boy Get out and run only to Get arrested and taken to juvenile center he better hope he doesn't get charged for grand theft auto

Ajike Owens killer Susan lorincz has been arrested now facing charges of murder getting life in prison she could've talked instead of using a gun

The woman you see in the video has been arrested for the murder of ajike Owens she has been fuedig with the Owens family for a long time especially with The kid's it shouldn't have went that far to kill her Susan lorincz claims her Life was in danger so she got her gun and shot through the door now she's in jail for murder she really thought she was going to get away with it especially multiple witnesses The other neighbors and her kid's Saw her do it family lawyer getting it done The infamous bill crumb still undefeated

Ajike aj Owens was murdered by The neighbor now she's in prison on murder charges her lawyer claim it was self defense

Sometimes neighbors Fall apart stop speaking to each other because certain things happened between each other her kids was enjoying themselves until The grumpy neighbor came out fold them to get away from being over by her house so kids went home told what happened their mother aijke aj Owens was just going over there to see why her son was hit by The iPad The woman throw at him because she took it from then standing at The door bullet came through striking his Mom killing her he ran to someone house told them to call 911 now family members have Hired legendary lawyer crumb the neighbor still hasn't been arrested for murder

Cardboard box bandit was busted he broke into a cellphone store to get a phone instead he's sitting in jail

Millions of ski masks created out there that you can buy from multiple store's he decided to hide his identity in old cardboard box it's a dam shame in Florida a man named Claude Vincent Griffin decided he wanted a phone but instead of paying for One he decided to steal it by breaking The display case that was holding multiple phones so he decided to grab all of them fumbling around the cardboard box falls off The surveillance cameras picked up on his face taking a picture to he also took eight thousand dollars in cash and caused fifteen thousand dollars in store damage police catches up to him in the Mall an arrested him facing multiple charges

Two kids almost lost their lives in fire while moms was shoplifting in the Mall now she's in jail for leaving them home

Florida woman named Alicia More just 24 years old decided to take her and her two kids to the Mall she pulled up into parking lot that belongs to a store called Dillard's department store she decided to go in leaving the young children in the vehicle she meet Up with her friend They both decided to shoplift she didn't know but security guards was watching the both of them while she was doing that smoke started to build up in The car than fire The mother notice that The car was burning luckily people rescued her children just in time police arrested her she's facing serious charges both kid's had to be taken to the hospital

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